College Access

Supporting Students to and through College

CPS envisions a future where all alumni will successfully transition to and succeed in their postsecondary pathway of choice. While more students than ever are aspiring to a college education, first-generation college students, students of color, and students from low-income backgrounds all experience additional challenges to achieving this goal. CFF works with partners to support students to and through their college journeys with college and career coaching, scholarships, and alumni assistance.

College & Career Coaching

Successfully preparing students for sustained success in college and their chosen career path begins long before their senior year. CPS is committed to providing students with the resources to fully understand their postsecondary options, especially students who are first generation college-goers. From middle school through high school, informed college and career counseling and opportunities to visit college campuses are critical for helping students make postsecondary choices that are right for them. Through Success 2029: Together We Rise, CPS will ensure all students in grades 6–12 have access to high-quality advising and career exposure activities.

College and career visits for upper elementary and high school students are a research-backed strategy for promoting college enrollment, especially among students from communities underrepresented in higher education. Philanthropic support to cover the costs of college visits—through District-wide initiatives or school-based programs—enables students who may not otherwise have opportunities like this to make a more informed choice. Additional support for College and Career coaching activities at the school-level—for both students and families—allows schools to provide personalized advising for each student to help them make informed college decisions based on academic and social alignment, as well as affordability.

Donor Scholarships

Scholarships are a crucial component of equitable access to higher education. A study by University of Chicago’s Urban Labs found that while most CPS students aspire to earn a college degree, many graduates enroll in universities considered an “undermatch”—less selective colleges than they could potentially attend—often due to financial barriers, making them more likely to drop out.

Custom scholarships established through CFF allow donors to provide a unique name and can be tailored to support a priority group, academic or geographic area. The student outreach and selection process is managed in partnership with CPS, leveraging support from school counselors and the searchable scholarship portal. These scholarships give community members the opportunity to support CPS students to reach their goal of attaining a college degree or certification.

Alumni Assistance

CPS aspires to be the national leader in district support for alumni success. CFF supports the District’s vision for all CPS alumni to not only successfully transition into their chosen postsecondary pathway but thrive there. In SY2023, 65% of CPS graduates enrolled in a college or university, and nearly three quarters of students enrolled in college were persisting toward attaining a degree. CPS has built a strong foundation for supporting alumni success, but there is more work to be done.That’s why CPS established the Alumni Support Initiative, partnering with school-based postsecondary advisors to create plans for alumni support and directing resources to assist CPS graduates who are facing barriers to college persistence.

As part of this strategy, the CPS Alumni Postsecondary Success Emergency Fund was established in partnership with CFF and the philanthropic community. For economically disadvantaged students, unexpected costs can derail their education and plans for the future. Low-cost expenses such as dorm supplies, overdue book charges, or an incidental class fee can have major consequences for students and families with little or no financial cushion. The Emergency Postsecondary Success Fund––supported entirely by philanthropic funding––addresses unexpected challenges like these, providing emergency grants averaging $942.

In addition to individualized supports directly to alumni, CPS is actively engaged in the College Compact, a collaborative partnership uniting stakeholders from over 35 top-enrolling colleges of CPS alumni, designed to address structural barriers and amplify best practices for college persistence and success. Through the Compact, CPS provides grants to these postsecondary institutions to support CPS alumni in their transition and navigation of the college environment.

Philanthropic partners can bolster CPS’ alumni assistance efforts by contributing to the Emergency Postsecondary Success Fund and supporting the implementation of best practices elevated within the College Compact.

Your support for the CPS Dream Fund Scholarship at the college level is truly invaluable. Beyond the financial assistance, your contributions serve as a beacon of hope for college students like me. Your belief in our dreams and goals inspires us to overcome challenges related to our migration status. Thank you for being an essential part of our college journey and for helping us turn our aspirations into reality.

AmbarCarl Schurz High School, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

CPS Dream Fund

A significant number of CPS students are undocumented, and due to state and federal financial aid policies, these students are ineligible to receive any federal aid. This makes earning a college education more difficult for CPS alumni already shouldering the many burdens of non-citizenship.

Since 2014, the CPS Dream Fund Scholarship program has assisted talented undocumented students and DREAMers in their pursuit of postsecondary education at a two or four-year institution. Funded exclusively through generous philanthropic contributions, the CPS Dream Fund has provided more than 240 new and renewal scholarships to CPS alumni.

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