Compassion Fund

Compassion Fund for Direct School, Student and Family Support

CPS support for our students and families extends beyond the classroom, particularly in times of crisis.

This remains a difficult time for our school communities – especially families who rely on Chicago Public Schools for more than an education. The same students who were at the greatest risk for experiencing the impacts of inequity before the pandemic – including students of color, students from limited-income backgrounds, English Learners, and Diverse Learners, and more – were the most profoundly impacted by this historic crisis. The need continues and the opportunity to make an impact is great.

We’ve heard from school leaders how vital the Compassion Fund’s flexible relief has been during challenging times, and how there’s a critical, ongoing need for their school communities. Families still need assistance providing for basic needs, and schools still need extra support both in and beyond their classrooms. It’s become more clear than ever that students’ academic and personal growth is at stake. Your generosity, and that of many others, allows us to continue meeting these urgent needs as they arise for CPS families and school communities.

The Children First Fund continues to direct funding to schools, students and families, equitably distributing resources toward urgent needs, including:

  • Direct financial relief for families facing extreme hardship, including job loss, death of a parent or caregiver, families facing homelessness due to fires and other crises, and more.
  • Providing resources and whole-child support for newcomer students – such as newly-arrived migrant students – and others in temporary living situations
  • Support for graduating seniors to ease the post-secondary transition––including funds to address barriers on their path to college such as deposits, textbooks, travel, etc. Read about recent recipients of postsecondary support on CFF’s blog.
  • Creating and stocking Hygiene Care Closets to support student wellness, meeting both physical and social emotional needs.
  • School resources including culturally relevant books, school supplies, classroom updates and calm corners, social emotional learning supplies, transit cards, and more
  • Support for school communities who have been impacted by neighborhood or household violence

Thanks to your generosity, we have supported hundreds of schools, and tens of thousands of students and families. We will continue together to ensure our families are supported and that students and educators are equipped to succeed.

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Read more about the unparalleled response and outpouring of generosity that helped dramatically expand the Compassion Fund’s impact from March 2020 – Summer 2021.

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